Setup Location
Create/Edit Location
Admin can add new a Location or edit an existing Location by navigating to Locations / Devices from the Navigation Menu.
To create a new Location, click on Add Location.

Restrictions are applied to all Devices linked to this Location, it acts as filter for Check-in/Check-out entries, the System supports the following Restrictions:
- No Restriction
- IP Restriction
- Geolocation Restriction
- Geolocation & IP Restriction
No Restriction
All Check-in/Check-out entries submitted through all Devices linked to this Location will be accepted.
IP Restriction
All Check-in/Check-out entries submitted through all Devices linked to this Location will be filtered by the IP Addresses of Devices, the System accepts a range of IP Addresses.
Geolocation Restriction
All Check-in/Check-out entries submitted through all Devices linked to this Location will be filtered by the coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) of Device, by default the Map will show your current coordinates, you can assign a Geolocation Restriction by doing the following:
- Search/Navigate to the area of restriction by using the "Search for places" box or the hand navigation at top middle of the Map
- Change hand navigation to area selection at the top middle "gray circle"
- Click and expand the circle to cover the restricted area

You can reset selection by clicking on Clear Selection below the Map